
Cmep Does Not Detect Trend For Mac


Hi guys, I want to ask you a few questions about how to identify trend in Forex and which will be the best way to do that in my case, because if I have to be honest I really don't know what to do. It is such a mess in my head after so many articles read (+ MQL4 documentation). Although I'm a software engineer I'm a newbie in Forex. In the last few weeks I started developping an MT4 indicator with MQL4. One of the main things my indicator do is to detect trend direction. I already read this article - and some discussions in the forum (for example: ). At the moment my logic is based on Fan Moving Average - I use 3 periods to detect my trend direction, but this doesn't help me.

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Are there any plans of introducing an anti-malware for Mac in the near future? Note that we do this simply because plans can always change, or there can be unforeseen challenges with implementing changes to software, and we don't want to promise anything and then disappoint users if we aren't able to deliver it as expected. Imonitormacimonitor eam for mac. I'm very curious. We don't have any specific plans that I am aware of, however keep in mind that we don't usually talk about new software or new features until we have a beta available for people to try, so if we ever did decide to make a version of our software for another platform then we'd only announce it once we had a working beta for people to try.

You are traders. When you have your main chart zoomed out you easily and fast can see where the trend goes: In the example above is more than obvious that the trend goes UP even that when I use MA sometimes I catch that the trend goes DOWN or UP, or it is UNDEFINED. But in global perspective it goes UP - I want to do that with MQL4 but I have no idea how to achieve it. Someone in the forum has mentioned that Chart patterns are better than the Candlestick patterns. Moving Average is candlestick patterns, right?

I will really appreciate if you can give me some advice what I could do or just to share your experiance if it is relative with my case. I am curious to learn something new:). Dimitarsd: Hi guys, I want to ask you a few questions about how to identify trend in Forex and which will be the best way to do that in my case, because if I have to be honest I really don't know what to do. It is such a mess in my head after so many articles read (+ MQL4 documentation). Although I'm a software engineer I'm a newbie in Forex.

In the last few weeks I started developping an MT4 indicator with MQL4. One of the main things my indicator do is to detect trend direction. I already read this article - and some discussions in the forum (for example: ).

At the moment my logic is based on Fan Moving Average - I use 3 periods to detect my trend direction, but this doesn't help me. You are traders. When you have your main chart zoomed out you easily and fast can see where the trend goes: In the example above is more than obvious that the trend goes UP even that when I use MA sometimes I catch that the trend goes DOWN or UP, or it is UNDEFINED. But in global perspective it goes UP - I want to do that with MQL4 but I have no idea how to achieve it. Someone in the forum has mentioned that Chart patterns are better than the Candlestick patterns. Moving Average is candlestick patterns, right?


Cmep Does Not Detect Trend For Mac Download

I will really appreciate if you can give me some advice what I could do or just to share your experiance if it is relative with my case. I am curious to learn something new:) It's very simple. When the trend is making higher highs, and higher lows, it's an uptrend. In reverse, when the trend is making lower highs, and lower lows, then it's a downtrend.