
Compton's Newmedia Reelect Jfk Cd-rom For Mac


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  1. Reelect Jfk Game Download
  2. Compton's New Media Reelect Jfk Cd-rom For Mac Mac
TorrentReelect jfk game

Publication date 1995 Title Variation All the way JFK 1964 File Characteristics Electronic data and program. Note First person adventure computer game. Title from disc surface. Production Credits Direction, Frank Jensen; software engineering, Jerry Seeger; programming, Jerry Seeger, John Vitaglione; writer, Marie Harrington; music, Tim A.

Reelect Jfk Game Download

Labor; art, Chance Gardner, Vertigo Design and Animation; 3D modelling, Law Gardner; voices, Pace Ebbesen and others. Format 'Windows/MAC CD-ROM'-Container (24 cm.).

Compton's New Media Reelect Jfk Cd-rom For Mac Mac

System requirements for Multimedia PC: 486/33 Mhz microprocessor; 4MB RAM (8MB recommended); 2MB of free hard disk space; double speed CD-ROM drive; 640 x 480 x 8-bit color monitor and video card; Quicktime for Windows (included); 8-bit sound card; mouse. System requirements for Macintosh: System 7.0.1; 68030 microprocessor; 5MB RAM (8MB recommended); 2MB free hard disk space; Quicktime v.2.0 (included); 640 x 480 x 8-bit color monitor; double speed CD-ROM drive; mouse.

Compton's New Media: Hammer of the Gods: Strategy: Holistic Design: Hanna-Barbera's Cartoon Carnival: Action. Reelect JFK: Adventure: Quadra: Return to Ringworld: unknown: Time Warner Interactive: Revolution X: Action. Star Trek - Judgment Rites - Limited CD-ROM Collector's Edition: unknown: Interplay: Star Trek - The Next Generation - A. Compaq's all-in-one Presario computer includes a CD player, video game player. Club Dead' (Viacom New Media, PC CD-ROM); the outdoor adventure game. Political simulation 'Reelect JFK' (Quadra/Compton's, PC/Mac CD-ROM); a.