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I have noticed that certain websites (e.g. Stack Exchange sites, Dell, etc.) are automatically added to my list of search engines in Google Chrome. They even add a keyboard shortcut to their entry. Here are some examples:. Dell: Keyboard - Dell.com.

Stack Exchange Web masters: Keyboard - webmasters.stackexchange.com. Reuters: Keyboard - reuters.com Q1: Is this the default behavior in Chrome? (to let websites add themselves to the list of search engines?) Q2: Is it possible to disable this behavior in Chrome? Note: I'm running the latest version of Chrome: 11.0.696.57 on Windows 7 64, and I only have one extension installed: Google URL shortener. @Sathya - Many reasons:. Convenience: Sometimes you want to search ABOUT a site, rather than ON that site.

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Consistency: Randomly and silently adding new 'search engines' causes unexpected behavior in the omnibox. Privacy: Chrome does not inform you when it decides to add new 'search engines,' and they don't go away when you clear your browsing history. Common courtesy: Shouldn't I be able to choose whether to enable this 'feature' is enabled, or—failing that—at least choose to be informed when Chrome decides to add a site, so I can countermand this decision? – Oct 28 '11 at 17:43.

Update: Added additional function for killing a script by name: kill-script someScript. Works with scripts run by either bash or sh (which is effectively just a bash alias on OSX). If multiple instances of a script are running, only the most recently started is targeted. This integration will add MDT task sequences to SCCM. When you right-click on Task Sequences in the SCCM console, there’ll be a new option to access the MDT task sequences. To install software updates while Windows 7 is being deployed using SCCM, the Install Updates Offline task should be used in the task sequence used to deploy the OS.

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This was making me absolutely insane, so I found a hackish, but effective solution to the issue. Chrome stores it's search engines in a simple sqlite3 database. I found that you can create a trigger when chrome goes to add the search engine that causes the database insert statement to be ignored. Note that the search engines are still kept in memory, so they will still show up in the list until the browser is restarted. However you wont have to clear them out all the time, and so if you want to add your own search engines, you won't have to worry about accidentally deleting them (yes, manually adding search engines will still work).

First you must locate the Web data file. Mac OS X: /Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Web Data. XP: C: Documents and Settings Local Settings Application Data Google Chrome User Data Default Web Data. Vista/7: C: Users AppData Local Google Chrome User Data Default Web Data. Linux: /.config/google-chrome/Default/Web Data or /.config/chromium/Default/Web Data Then open it with an sqlite3 editor.

Chrome must be shut down at this point. The official sqlite web site has a with a pre-compiled command line utility for the various operating systems. Though any editor capable of working with sqlite3 databases will work. For the command line utility, use a command such as the following (don't forget to escape or quote the space in the file name): sqlite3 /path/to/Web Data Add the trigger. CREATE TRIGGER noautokeywords BEFORE INSERT ON keywords WHEN (NEW.originatingurl IS NOT NULL AND NEW.originatingurl!= ') BEGIN SELECT RAISE(IGNORE); END; You're done. Close the editor and start chrome back up. The way it works is that when chrome goes to add auto-add a search engine to the keywords table, chrome sets the originatingurl field to the web site it came from.

Updated: (nxp-5100 Add Start/stop Convenience Scripts For Mac 2017

The trigger basically looks for any inserts with a non-empty originatingurl field, and issues a RAISE(IGNORE) which causes the statement to be silently skipped. Manually added search engines don't have an originatingurl, and so the trigger allows them to be added. FYI: 1/ make a copy of this file first in case you mess it up:) 2/ on Mac 10.11.4 (El Capitan) I was unable to open the file/database with sqlitebrowser.app ( 'Error: unable to open database '/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Web Data': unable to open database file).

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3/ if you try and run the CREATE TRIGGER command whilst Chrome is open, you get Error: database is locked so exit Chrome first. 4/ once Chrome was closed, this opened the database successfully worked: /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Applications/sqlite3./Web Data (in Terminal, when in specified directory) HTH – Apr 7 '16 at 12:26.

How is it behaving in your case? For me, to trigger the search on site, I have to type its keyword into omnibar a press Tab. Then it changes into the on site search and I can continue to type the search string. If I want to search just the keyword or a string containing the keyword, I type the keyword, Space, rest of the search string and Enter and I'm searching using the default search engine. So it doesn't interfere with each other.

Just use the Space after the keyword to search using the default search engine and the Tab to search on site. – Dec 12 '16 at 16:37.